Tag "Intellectual property"

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North America Politics

Trump’s burn book: NAFTA negotiations will only extend Chinese influence in the Americas

Trump once labelled NAFTA, “the worst trade deal maybe ever signed anywhere”. This month, he unveiled the NAFTA negotiating agenda, providing a template for trade negotiations yet to occur with other countries – such as China, Germany, and Japan. With an emphasis on tackling tax systems and removing barriers to the US agriculture and manufacturing industries, Asian negotiators will be watching closely.

International Technology and infrastructure

Is Wall Street cyber secure?

As a symbolic and data-rich target, Wall Street faces a number of cyber threats. Regardless of the size of an attack, there remains the need for effective recovery and response

North America Technology and infrastructure

Navigating the international patent mess

The tech world and the patent system have long been at odds. The fast changing nature of technological innovation is ill suited to the slow and bureaucratic Patent and Trademark