Tag "housing bubble"

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Asia Pacific Finance

China’s mortgages pose risk to financial system

Zero-down payment mortgages in China suggest an increasingly risky Chinese financial system, with symptoms similar to those seen leading up to the U.S. credit crisis. Home buyers all over China, from Guangzhou and

Economics Europe

London housing bubble continues to grow

London, generally viewed as an investment haven, has developed a housing bubble fueled by foreign investors and urban migration. The government’s Lend to Buy program has not helped in the way

Asia Pacific Economics

Growth prospects are strong for Australia

Despite discouraging news towards the end of 2013, the prospects for the Australian economy are strong for 2014. However, dependence on continued Chinese growth and a potential housing bubble may

Economics Europe

Abolishing Ireland’s Senate may aid economic recovery

The current public focal point of the Irish government’s political and economic reform is the upcoming October 4th referendum on whether or not to abolish the Irish Senate, known more

Middle East/North Africa

Housing Bubble in Dubai Returns

A flurry of recent news articles reported concern over the possibility of another housing bubble taking shape in the United Arab Emirates. Despite a crash in 2009 that sent real