Tag "Green"

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Asia Pacific Natural resources and energy North America

To the victor belong the spoils: The future of green energy

In recent years, China has pushed for the rapid development of renewable energy infrastructure, touting itself as the leader of innovative green energy.

Europe Natural resources and energy

The state of the European Energy Union

European Commission plan to make Europe’s energy market more integrated and less dependent on Russia will be stuck in intense negotiations in the next few years. Diverging interests between member

Europe Natural resources and energy

Can the UK’s Green Investment Bank inspire the global community?

The Green Investment Bank (GIB) is leading the world in funding innovative solutions and setting the UK at the forefront of the next generation of energy infrastructure. Can the GIB

Europe Politics

Grand Coalition or Odd Couple? Merkel’s Dilemma

Despite the resounding victory, Chancellor Merkel faces a politically risky decision that will have far-reaching consequences for the stability of her government and for the German and European economies. On