Tag "France"

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Europe Security

The strategy behind single-assailant terrorist attacks

The recent surge of single-assailant terrorist attacks is part of the Islamic State’s strategy to create a climate of insecurity in Europe.

Europe Security

Impact of France’s evolving terrorist threat

The wave of terrorist attacks that hit France in the last 18 months underscores that the country is a primary target for radical Islamist militants.

International Politics The Week Ahead

The Week Ahead

EU deals with banks. Hague rules on South China Sea. French Socialists in limbo. BoE taks Brexit policy. China releases GDP figures.

Europe Politics

After Brexit, Eastern Europe remains loyal, for now

After Brexit highlighted fears over immigration, the EU needs to listen better to its citizens. While Western members face uncertainty, Eastern Europe remains loyal to the EU, for now.

Europe Security

Euro 2016: Risk and opportunities for France

The Football Euro Championship taking place in France poses serious security challenges for the country, as economic and political outcomes are crucial for the government.


Brexit: What to expect after the EU-UK membership vote

The day after the EU-UK referendum, leaders will attempt to control political risks of a different nature, depending on the outcome.

Asia Pacific Security

Buying submarines could be a risky business for Australia

Shortly after concluding his first official trip to China as the Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, on 26 April, announced that the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) will purchase 12 submarines

Europe Security

The security implications of Brexit

A Brexit vote to leave the EU on June 23 would have grave implications for the security of the UK, Europe, and NATO.

Europe Politics

France desperately needs labour reform, unions disagree

Government labour market reform has triggered a nationwide wave of protests in France that underscores soaring tensions within French society.

Europe Security

France and the Euro 2016 security conundrum

As the Euro 2016 football championship nears, France continues to face an elevated terrorist threat and ongoing social unrest. Major security measures are in place to secure the sporting event; however, several risks continue to loom over the event.