Tag "Foreign direct investment"
Autocracy in Azerbaijan threatens long-term investment
Despite enjoying rich energy resources with which to tempt FDI, Azerbaijan’s autocratic political climate remains a long-term liability to said investment. In Azerbaijan, foreign investment opportunities and geopolitical considerations take
Mongolia Reverses Foreign Investment Law to Revive Economy
The Parliament of Mongolia held an emergency session between September 2 and September 6. The main issue discussed during this session was legislation governing Mongolian foreign investment. Due to a
Czech Republic Prime Minister loses confidence vote
Czech Republic Prime Minister Jiří Rusnok lost a parliamentary vote of confidence on August 7 by a count of 100-93 (with seven members absent). This development raises many questions about
Interview: Professor Marcelo Simon on Argentina’s Economic Future
A decade after Argentina’s historical financial collapse, foreign investors are returning to the once 5th wealthiest economy in the world. Lured by its resource abundant land, highly literate population and
Limits to Mongolia’s ‘Promising’ Investment Law
As Mongolia witnesses rapid economic growth. it remains to be seen whether recent investment laws will be able to adequately welcome foreign investment. Sitting on a vast amount of mineral
Kazakhstan showing signs of investment reform
Kazakhstan has made impressive progress towards attracting significant foreign investment since gaining independence in 1991. As of September 2011, foreign investors had invested a total of $159.3 billion in Kazakhstan,