Tag "European Union"

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Europe Politics

France could lose billions in canceled Mistral warship deal with Russia

After initial negotiations, France and Russia failed to agree on the amount Paris has to compensate for refusing to deliver two Mistral vessels amid the Ukrainian crisis. France needs to find

International Politics

Weekly Risk Outlook

African Union leaders summit in Johannesburg. Saudi Arabia opens stock exchange to direct foreign investment. Federal Reserve sets policy rates, though they admit a hike not likely until possibly September. EU to release

International Politics The Week Ahead

Weekly Risk Outlook

European Parliament votes on TTIP Resolution. China releases economic reports. Major moves in Argentina forecast tumultuous election cycle. U.S. Senate prepares for NDAA vote. Confusion over TPA leads to tense negotiations for TPP. All

Natural resources and energy South and Central Asia

Why China should encourage a pipeline from Turkmenistan to Europe

Turkmenistan has emerged as a potential supplier of natural gas (NG) to Europe as the EU desperately searches for an alternative to Russian energy. The prospect of European exploitation of

Middle East/North Africa Politics

Netanyahu’s fragile coalition could leave the Prime Minister powerless

The Israeli Knesset, newly dominated by right wing, religious political parties, could hamper Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s progress on crucial economic and security issues.  The Israeli Knesset approved Benjamin Netanyahu’s

Europe Politics

Front National poised to win first round of regional elections in March

Front National (FN), led by Marine Le Pen, the daughter of founder Jean-Marie Le Pen, has gained a lot of ground in polls lately. This is a warning to the centre-right

Europe Natural resources and energy

New EU Energy Union aimed at breaking dependence on Russia

The recently announced Energy Union proposal is largely aimed at reducing the EU’s dependence on Russian gas. However, the proposed measures are unlikely to bring about the desired results. On

Economics Europe

TTIP: Friend or Foe for Europe?

Commonly referred to as TTIP, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is currently at the center of a major controversy in EU-US relations. There is increased fear of multinationals among

Europe Finance

Negotiating Greece’s debt is risky business

Call it moral hazard or moral responsibility, but the Greek leadership of Syriza is pushing Europe hard to renegotiate its bailout. “We cannot find the truth on our own, but

Europe Politics

Greece and the EU on a collision course

The election of the anti-austerity Syriza party in Greece has raised the spectre of further instability in the European Union and heightens the possibility of a Greek exit from the