Tag "European Commission"

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Asia Pacific Politics

Will the South China Sea dispute mark the downfall of ASEAN?

The South China Sea dispute revolves around territorial claims, and could have a significant impact on the future of ASEAN.

Economics Future Generator

Future Generator: Media Sentiment Trending Positive in Ukraine

The ‘Future Generator’ is a highly unique and cutting-edge approach to forecasting ‘media sentiment’, developed by a partnership between Global Risk Insights (GRI) and Ethnographic Edge (EE). The aim of

Europe Security

Same problem, same mistakes? European Commission unveils new plan for migrant crisis

The European Commission’s latest plan to tackle the worsening EU migrant crisis risks repeating the same mistakes of recent years.

Europe Technology and infrastructure

EU poised to adopt world’s most stringent data laws

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will impose a new legal framework providing citizens of member states with a high level of protection of personal data. Given the requirements to

Politics The Week Ahead

Weekly Risk Outlook

Obama delivers last SOTU. Paris hosts monetary policy conference. Economic development explored in Latin America. EU commission begins investigation. Former comedian becomes president. All in the Weekly Risk Outlook. President Barack Obama Delivers

Europe Security

Brussels approves France’s revised, post-attack deficit

What are the impacts of France’s security pact announced in the wake of the Paris attacks? Does it mark a readjustment between political imperatives and EU budgetary discipline? France to

Europe Finance

Will EU budget rule-breaking become a norm?

This month the European Commission published its assessments of the draft budgetary plans of Eurozone member states for the year 2016. They have already prompted rebukes from EU member states

Europe Politics

Mixed feelings in the Netherlands as migrants come to Europe

The handling of the crisis by the Netherlands reflects the Dutch view that, while asylum-seekers should be welcomed in the country, economic migrants should not. An oft-underreported aspect of the

Economics Europe

By bundling debt payments, Greece embraces a holdout strategy

The latest move by the Greek government marks a shift in the way it is dealing with international lenders. Why this is the case, however, requires an understanding of the

Economics International

Five reasons SMEs need political risk analysis

One third of EU-based small and medium sized enterprises may benefit from including political risk analysis within their decision making process. Here are five ways how. Small and Medium Sized