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Europe Politics

Watchdog Report and Corruption Discourse in London

The recent resurgence of the debate around the often cosy relationship between elected Members of the UK’s House of Commons and private sector actors has been dominating headlines. It throws into sharp relief the issues around paid work by MPs alongside their parliamentary duties and essential role of advocating for their own constituents. Despite the UK’s consistently high ranking on Transparency International’s corruption index (CPI), which measures perceived corruption as assessed by experts in academia and industry, continued coverage of ‘sleaze’ (hereafter corruption) and undue influence risk damaging the UK’s reputation on an international stage.

Economics Europe Leadership Series Politics

The Gatekeeper for PM David Cameron: An Interview with Kate Fall 

GRI’s co-founder Basim Al-Ahmadi sat down via Zoom with Kate Fall to discuss her pivotal role as Deputy Chief of Staff under Prime Minister David Cameron.


The impact of Brexit on British security and defence

In spite of likely disruptions in data sharing and further cooperation, it is in the interest of the EU and Britain to remain partners and foster a close security cooperation in

Debate Corner Economics

Can Britain survive economically post-Brexit?

In June, Britain voted to leave the European Union after decades of membership. The political consequences were immediately apparent, but the economic consequences are still to be determined.

Europe Politics

The South China Sea ruling: The view from the UK

The UK’s response to The Permanent Court of Arbitration’s recent decision on the South China Sea should avoid any miscalculation towards China.


Brexpats after Brexit: Impacts for British Expats in Europe

Britain claims a sizable expat population abroad. If London adheres to leaving the European Union (EU), how would Brexpats (British expats) be affected?

International Politics The Week Ahead

The Week Ahead

British politics brace for Brexit fallout. EU leaders discuss post-Brexit steps. Australia heads to the polls. European and US central bankers meet. All in The Week Ahead. Brexit fallout continues


4 ways Brexit will change European politics

The United Kingdom’s departure from the EU will have significant, long-term implications for Europe as a whole.


Brexit brings change for Britain’s governing Conservative Party

The governing Conservative Party, rattled by Brexit, faces new leadership from October onwards, and a spectacular shuffle of power within the Party.


Brexit: What to expect after the EU-UK membership vote

The day after the EU-UK referendum, leaders will attempt to control political risks of a different nature, depending on the outcome.