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Europe Finance

How likely is the Greek bailout strategy to succeed?

The biggest problem facing the Eurozone may be too late to avoid: a Greek exit from the Euro. While both sides are unprepared and unwilling to accept this worst-case scenario, hope still remains

Economics International Politics The Week Ahead

Weekly Risk Outlook

Expected ECB QE programme will require some fine-tuning. Russia’s credit rating takes a hit as its economy weakens further. Iran may face new sets of US sanctions as newest round of talks begin, and

Europe Politics

More sanctions for Russia from U.S, Europe

As Russia’s direct incursion in Ukraine’s Southeast elevates the conflict to a new and more dangerous level, the clash in the Eastern Europe is nowhere near its conclusion. As a

Economics Europe

Four ways sanctions on Russia may be intensified

In the aftermath of the recent MH17 crash, it is all but certain that international pressure on Russia will be ramped up. Here are four ways it might happen. The

Economics International

Sanctions against Russia cause greater capital inflows to Brazil

The Russian Federation’s actions in the Crimea continue to reverberate throughout the world. Far away from Eastern Europe, even Brazil is likely to feel the effects of Russian choices as short-term

Latin America Politics

Growing protests in Venezuela threaten Maduro’s rule

Massive anti-government protests have erupted across Venezuela in what President Nicolas Maduro has called an “evolving coup.” Maduro’s comment might become a self-fulfilling prophecy if protesters and the political opposition continue