Tag "Bouteflika"

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Middle East/North Africa Natural resources and energy

EDA: Declining oil prices pose threat to Algerian economy

EXTERNAL DEPENDENCIES ANALYSIS: In view of declining oil prices further dependence on the hydrocarbon sector may lead Algeria to face economic and political tremors in the long term.  One of the

Economics Middle East/North Africa

Will upcoming election affect Algeria’s economic reforms?

The Algerian government has promised economic reform ahead of Abdelaziz Bouteflika’s fourth run for the presidency on April 17. Few doubt that Bouteflika will win the election, but what will that mean

Middle East/North Africa Politics

Algeria’s President Bouteflika is here to stay

Despite poor health, Algerian President Bouteflika has announced his candidacy for next year’s presidential election, potentially his third term in office. Economic conditions and regional stability are thus unlikely to