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Middle East/North Africa Politics

Iran’s Election Offers Glimmers of Hope

The recent presidential election in Iran has created a media storm and left analysts guessing what will come next. Iranians have chosen to replace outgoing president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with Hassan

Latin America Technology and infrastructure

Developing Haiti’s Domestic Solar Industries

Last week, as I rode down the congested streets of Port-au-Prince on the back of a motorcycle, I noticed that the streets were lined with empty bottles, brightly colored shops,

Middle East/North Africa Security

Arming Rebels is No Simple Fix in Syria

As Western powers move to arm various rebel groups fighting against the Assad regime in Syria, it is important to remember that arms are no silver bullet. At the centre

Sub-Saharan Africa Technology and infrastructure

Air travel necessary for continued sub-Saharan growth

While the prospects of massive economic growth throughout Africa have been heavily touted by the international press, the physical interconnectivity of sub-Saharan states and their links to potential investors in

Asia Pacific Economics

Trans-Pacific Partnership Will Boost Abenomics

Today’s global economy is increasingly focused on Asia, and rightfully so. According to the IMF, in 2013 Asia will lead the world in economic growth by expanding 5.7 percent overall

Middle East/North Africa Natural resources and energy

Nile Dilemma Between Development and Water Security

Over the last few weeks, the waves of dispute have been disturbing the otherwise calm waters of the Nile river. Ethiopia, one of the source countries of the river, has

Finance North America

Convexity Hedging Increases Risk in US Markets

If you have been watching the yield curve for U.S. treasuries, you will have noticed a rise in interest rates pretty much across the board. As Treasury yields go north,

Asia Pacific Economics

China’s Space Launch Signals Commercial Desires

The recent news that the People’s Republic of China has launched its fifth manned space mission – during which three astronauts will spend fifteen days in space, including twelve days

International Natural resources and energy

The Case Against Self-Regulation in Extractive Industries

Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of international social issues and are demanding more responsible businesses. A model that is often discussed as an example of successful industry regulation is the

Europe Politics

Why Political Parties in Opposition Will Never Embrace Austerity

This article hence proposes two major reasons to account for such a trend – unpopularity and inaccessibility of the austerity measures, dynamics of political parties during elections. “The President’s great