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Economics Europe

Businesses absorb cost of rising corruption in the EU

Why make a risky investment in Europe, when you can take a similar risk with the prospect of higher returns in the developing world? With corruption levels rising, this is

Politics South and Central Asia

Mongol TV shows unreliability of Mongolia’s press

A few months ago, a hoax by the recently launched news broadcaster Mongol TV revealed how unreliable some outlets can be. Anyone interested in doing business in the country would

Economics Middle East/North Africa

Lebanon’s new cabinet unlikely to save economy

The newly formed coalition is unlikely to solve the many challenges facing Lebanon. As the Syrian crisis continues to take its toll on the economy, Lebanon must shift its short-term

Middle East/North Africa Natural resources and energy

Pipeline to Turkey intensifies dispute over Iraqi oil

Tension between the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) and the Iraqi central government once again escalated as a new pipeline links oil fields in Northern Iraq directly to Turkey. Turkey has

Asia Pacific Economics

Prospects improve for China-Pakistan economic corridor

Pakistan and China recently signed agreements to build a new airport and upgrade the Karakorum Highway in Balochistan, demonstrating further commitment to a China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Recently signed agreements

Economics North America

Fed debates changing forward guidance

The quickly falling US unemployment rate has caused the Federal Reserve to reevaluate how it communicates when it will raise interest rates. Recently released minutes of the Federal Reserve’s last

Europe Politics

Ukraine caught in East-West tug-of-war

Ukraine could be on the brink of a wide-scale conflict that threatens to destabilize the region and worsen relations between Russia and the West. Ukraine is going through the worst

Economics Europe

Russia’s single-industry cities pose risk to economy

The issue of failing monogoroda, or single-industry cities, is rapidly becoming one of the most pressing economic issues and sources of political risk within the Russian Federation. The Russian government

Economics Europe

Corruption remains key to Russia’s economic stagnation

Corruption is widespread throughout the executive, legislative and judicial branches at all levels of the Russian government. The Russian authorities recognise that corruption is a major problem and have implemented a

Economics International

Northeast Passage to revolutionize global shipping

Developing the Northeast Passage could revitalize Arctic regions, allow the shipping industry to bypass politically unstable areas and reduce travel costs and carbon emissions. But the project is dependent on