Sub-Saharan Africa
DRC Cobalt: A potential achilles heel of electric vehicles
With the global transition to electric vehicles (EVs), corporations are increasingly forced to rely on cobalt from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), where a culture of corruption, unscrupulous mining practices, and political instability threaten supply security.
Saudi influence in Africa: A destabilising power?
Through its commercial, political and military ties with a number of African states, Saudi Arabia aims to increase the visibility of its foreign policy.
Mozambique faces a nexus of smuggling and extremism
Fears arise over an Islamic insurgency in Northern Mozambique that threatens the recent discovery of $30 billion of oil and gas reserves. Yet these concerns may be clouding the reality of blurred lines between extremism and organised crime. How has the Jihadi threat emerged?
Guest Post: Blood chocolate – climate change and conflict in the West African cocoa belt
Cocoa is a vital economic sector in West Africa, but climate change threatens to reduce the area suitable for its cultivation, bringing with it a risk for mass migration and civil violence.
What rising resource nationalism in Africa means for mining investors
Lately, resource nationalism in the African mining sector has increased. In some African states, which make key contributions to international mining, larger mining rents indicate greater national control.
Intercommunal violence poses threat to Nigeria’s economy
Intercommunal violence and conflict in the Middle Belt, an area known for crop production, poses a threat to Nigeria’s economy and ultimately the livelihood of its people.
The Nigerian oil industry and renewed instability in the Delta
Throughout the spring and summer of 2018, the Nigerian petroleum industry has suffered major production and export complications, exacerbated by an atmosphere of political instability.
Under the Radar: Chronic food insecurity could hurt Liberia’s economic growth and stability
Since the end of the civil war in 2003, Liberia has become an example of progress and peaceful democratic transition for other countries emerging from conflict. However, there is a possibility that economic and political instability, and unrest, could evolve in the coming years due to the risk of food insecurity.
Ethiopia between risk and reform
Ethiopia is undergoing its most significant changes since the 1991 birth of the EPRDF ruling coalition under its controversial leader, Meles Zenawi. The last two months have witnessed the realigning of Ethiopia’s economy and bilateral relations with previous foes such as Eritrea and Egypt.
Under the Radar: Why an arms embargo could be South Sudan’s best hope
A comprehensive arms embargo on weapons flows into South Sudan would improve regional humanitarian conditions, mitigating political violence and growing civil unrest.