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North America Politics

Opinion: Paul Ryan and a Republican consensus

As Paul Ryan takes over as House Speaker, what will his legislative agenda look like moving forward? It is still difficult to assess how effective Paul Ryan will be in

North America Security

Mexico court ruling hints at marijuana policy change

A historic ruling by Mexico’s Supreme Court regarding marijuana use could act as precedent to spur an about-face in Mexico’s drug policy. On November 4th, Mexico’s Supreme Court voted to

North America Politics

Opinion: Speaker Paul Ryan: Policy wonk or ideologue?

Since his appointment as Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan has seen the media heap an abundance of praise and hope on him as the policy wonk who will unite

Middle East/North Africa North America

Obama’s diplomatic shift in Syria

On Friday, President Obama announced that the United States is to deploy around 50 Special Forces troops to Syria, after repeatedly ruling out US “boots on the ground” action in

North America Politics

Trump’s tax proposals debunk outsider myth

Trump’s recently released tax proposals were dismissed by many in the GOP establishment as unrealistic. While this is certainly true, a closer look at the other candidates’ plans shows that

North America Politics

Four key economic issues in Canada’s election

With the new Liberal majority government in Ottawa, it is key for investors to look at the economic platforms of both opposition parties to see what was offered to voters

Natural resources and energy North America

U.S. paving the way to global LNG markets

With its first liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal set to go into production in December 2015, the United States is joining the competitive race for control over global natural gas

North America Politics

Electing a new House speaker will prove difficult

While organizing Republican House members might not be as difficult as uniting anarchists, it will take some time to resolve the matter. This is because the Republican leadership and the

Natural resources and energy North America

How long will the US oil export ban last?

As low oil prices continue to put pressure on US producers, the Obama Administration is in no hurry to abolish the 40 year-old oil export ban. Ever since the US

North America Security

US cybersecurity bill wades into difficult waters of privacy

The US Senate is close in a vote on a cybersecurity bill that members of both parties and major corporations have backed, but significant concerns over privacy and its effectiveness