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International Natural resources and energy

Disputes from Maracanã to Marikana put pressure on mining

From Brazil to South Africa and beyond, disputes threaten to disrupt the extractive industry. More than ever, mining firms need to address their social and environmental costs in a sustainable way

Economics International

Sino-Russian gas deal: Alliance or partnership?

Does the recent gas deal between Russia and China signal a broader geopolitical alliance between the two countries, or is it simply an economic partnership? The recent announcement of a

Economics International

EU-India trade agreement stalled by EU politics

The EU and India have negotiated an ambitious free trade agreement since 2007. Yet, an early conclusion of the agreement is highly unlikely as Brussels is in crisis mode.  India and

International Politics

Why Russia is not concerned about the G7

Russia was excluded from this year’s G7 summit due to its threatening behavior in Ukraine. However, this may not be the breakdown in international relations many fear and is probably

Economics International

EU seal case adds new protectionism to WTO

The WTO’s public morality exemption has seldom been employed. However, a recent successful challenge has changed that and may herald a litany of trade restrictions in the near future. Goods,

International Politics

E-commerce businesses look to Middle East

The Middle East is reaching the internet in greater numbers every day, and there are high hopes that the region can become the next great e-commerce hub. The market remains

International Natural resources and energy

Sino-Russian natural gas deal transforms global energy markets

The Sino-Russian energy deal will have profound economic consequences for global energy markets and will have an impact on relations between Russia and the West. On 21 May, Russia and

Economics International

Resurgence of MFN clauses in contracts and treaties

Most favored nation clauses have been around for centuries. Perhaps because of their increasing popularity, however, governments and the public are starting to question how well they work.  What do

International Natural resources and energy

Political risk alive and well in the global oil industry

Despite innovation in the US oil patch, the big stories in oil still lie outside the US—where hydraulic fracturing and innovation in drilling technology are unlikely to play a major

Finance International

US Decline Series: Are the dollar’s days as reserve currency numbered?

Despite speculation that the days of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency will soon be over, a number of factors make such a changing of the guard unlikely. This