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Asia Pacific Economics

Which countries are most exposed to China’s currency devaluation?

China’s decision to let the yuan depreciate last week came for a number of reasons, including being a needed boost for Chinese export industries. But there are two sides to

Asia Pacific Security

The rise of the Islamic State in Southeast Asia

Support for the Islamic State is increasing among Muslim extremists in Southeast Asia. Unless regional states cooperate to tackle extremism, this is likely to pose a significant future security threat.

Asia Pacific Politics

What to expect from Myanmar’s November elections

Elections in November will see the military remain the dominant political force, even if it is a further step in Myanmar’s transformation from military dictatorship towards democracy. Key issues to

Asia Pacific Politics

Malaysia’s 1MDB scandal shatters business confidence

Malaysia’s once fast growing economy – buoyed by cheap labour and high quality products – risks losing its attractiveness to foreign investors as probe into the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal unfolds.

Asia Pacific Finance

China’s Nascent Stock Market in Trouble

Up until a couple of months ago the Chinese stock market was one of the most profitable in the world, rising up to 140% in just a year-and-a-half. However, the

Asia Pacific Security

Vietnam’s Defence Boom Entices Global Firms

Concerns over China have prompted a massive defence procurement campaign in Vietnam. Hanoi is entering a multitude of contracts and agreements with foreign nations, which has created opportunities for defence firms,

Asia Pacific Natural resources and energy

China seeks to secure oil supply in the South China Sea

China’s land reclamation is not just rooted in erecting a military and political presence in the South China Sea, but in its desire to safeguard the security of its petroleum

Asia Pacific Politics

Do Taiwan’s 2016 Elections Threaten Ties with China?

With Taiwan’s pro-independence presidential candidate firmly leading in the polls for the upcoming 2016 election, tensions between Beijing and Taipei could escalate as Taiwan’s recent pro-China stance is reversed. For nearly eight

Asia Pacific Economics

Are businesses ready for the ASEAN Economic Community?

As the deadline for the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) nears, large corporate companies seem ready to take advantage of the coming changes. Yet, with small and medium-sized businesses less prepared,

Asia Pacific Natural resources and energy

Australia’s climate policy hindering future opportunities

The Australian government’s policy towards climate change is in stark contrast to the rest of the world. Is this policy promising to help bolster a fledging economy or is it