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Economics Middle East/North Africa

Qatar Pursues Water and Food Security

The 2013 Arab Competitiveness Report produced by the World Economic Forum ranked Qatar as the most competitive Arab nation and the 11th most competitive country in the world. This listing

Middle East/North Africa

Housing Bubble in Dubai Returns

A flurry of recent news articles reported concern over the possibility of another housing bubble taking shape in the United Arab Emirates. Despite a crash in 2009 that sent real

Economics Middle East/North Africa

Peace and prosperity in Palestine via private investment

World leaders seek to promote $4 billion in private investment in Palestine – an effort which if successful, could boost GDP by 50% and sink unemployment. The World Economic Forum

Middle East/North Africa Natural resources and energy

Shale Oil is Key to Jordan’s Energy Future

Jordan plans to have electricity from shale oil make up 14 percent of energy demand by 2020. Recent developments indicate that Jordan is moving closer to making this vision a

Middle East/North Africa Politics

Al-Barrak sentence attests to Kuwait’s authoritarian side

The recent jail sentence handed down to a prominent opposition leader in Kuwait reflects an authoritarian trend that may solidify business opportunities in the near future but casts a shadow