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Economics South and Central Asia

Russia invests in Far East to prevent Chinese influence

Russian President Vladimir Putin decided to celebrate the New Year in the Russian Far East. Fear of Chinese influence has prompted another sign of the “Pivot Eastward” that Putin has pledged

Politics Sub-Saharan Africa

South Sudan risk threatens FDI

Embroiled in conflict, South Sudan’s presents an high-risk investment environment. The conflict threatens FDI in its oil industry and its overall economic development. The end of 2013 saw growing conflict within

Natural resources and energy North America

Oil glut could pose risk for U.S. shale oil revolution

With oil production reaching a historic peak, the U.S. may have to reconsider its 40-year-old ban on oil exports. The year 2014 could pose a milestone for the U.S. oil

Economics International

2014: a balance between global optimism and latent risks

The World economy is on the mend, but recovery will not happen everywhere at the same pace. Here are some of the risks that will play a large role in

Asia Pacific Politics

Cambodia protests highlight deeper corruption issues

Recent surveys have ranked Cambodia highly on the corruption index and low on investor attractiveness within the ASEAN region. The recent spate of protests are reinforcing the obstacles that Cambodia

Asia Pacific Politics

Abe’s Yasakuni trip was a successful political gamble

The visit of Japanese prime minister Abe to the Yasakuni Shrine fueled tensions between Japan and its neighbors, drawing harsh rebuke for the glorification of militarism and a lack of

Asia Pacific Politics

Is 60 years of civil war coming to an end in Myanmar?

Myanmar President Thein Sein aims to silence the guns of the civil war that devastates the country’s economic potential. However, until the military is under government control, such hopes seem

Economics Sub-Saharan Africa

East African Community moves toward a single currency

The East African Community (EAC) signed a Monetary Union Protocol at the end of last year, putting it on track to introduce a single currency by 2024. The East African Community,

Economics Latin America

What to watch for in Latin America in 2014

The relationship in Latin America between governments and business in 2014 will be defined primarily by the interaction of democracy and natural resource economics. Here is an overview of key

Finance International

Sound risk management creates competitive advantage

Companies can be analyzed in terms of the relative maturity of their risk management practices. This helps us understand how a company uses risk management to create value and develop