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Economics Middle East/North Africa

Iran’s oil exports still restricted, but prices may drop

US and EU sanctions on Iranian oil exports will remain intact for the next 6 months, but the psychological impact of the Geneva deal might in fact lower oil prices.

Asia Pacific Security

China’s air-defense zone ratchets up risk for trade and investment

With the announcement of China’s Air-Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) and the following rise in tensions in the East China Sea, economic—and global—catastrophe may be just a shot away. Beijing’s November

Economics Europe

Slovenia quiet for the moment, but bailout still looms

The Slovenian government won the confidence vote in Parliament, and the successful placing of a €1.5 billion bond issue, granting the Alpine state its moment of relief. However, the potential

Economics Europe

UK economy is finally recovering, says Bank of England

The Bank of England’s upbeat assessment of the state of economic recovery in the UK is the flavor of the month. GRI gives you the main points from the latest