Tag "United States"

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Economics North America

After IMF inequality report, what’s next for US tax policy?

The IMF has joined in on the income inequality debate, arguing that rising inequality is depressing economic growth and fueling political instability. Although the issue remains polarizing in the United

International Security

Transnistria is another fracture in Ukraine crisis

As the European Union and United States negotiate with Russia over the situation in Ukraine, another disputed territory is attracting international attention. With the tension escalating in eastern Ukraine and Moldova

International Politics

Book Review: Great Games, Local Rules

In his recently published book Great Games, Local Rules: The New Great Power Contest in Central Asia, Alexander Cooley offers a penetrating analysis of the geopolitical maneuvering and strategies pursued

Economics North America

U.S. beef recall affects fragile agribusiness supply chain

A recent U.S. federal government recall of tainted beef illustrates the complexity and pressing risks of the global food supply chain. Managing these risks is critical to agribusiness, the well-being

Economics North America

America’s complicated relationship with the minimum wage

Raising the U.S. minimum wage is a powerful political idea that will increase both sales and labor costs for businesses. The debate over increasing the minimum wage in the U.S.

Economics Europe

IMF pushes for Ukraine reforms as part of aid package

In response to the recent turmoil in Ukraine, the IMF is working to extend financial assistance but will likely ask for reforms in the public, business and energy sectors. The

Asia Pacific Politics

Ambassador Baucus could bring U.S beef back to China

Former U.S. Senator Max Baucus of Montana, confirmed as the next U.S. Ambassador to China, could help restore U.S. beef exports to China. China banned all U.S. beef exports after a

Middle East/North Africa Politics

Relations between Iran and UAE begin to improve

The interim deal with Iran could prove an economic boon to the UAE. Close trade relations plus the growing congruence of diplomatic opinion between the U.S., the UAE’s most important

Security Sub-Saharan Africa

Growing US security presence in Africa allows safer investments

Recent years have seen an increased US presence in Africa, a presence marked by its distinctly military component. Due to the economic rise of sub-Saharan Africa, but also due to

Finance International

Western and Islamic bank compliance a two-way street

With the Islamic financial sector growing rapidly in recent years, Western banks and their Islamic counterparts must make legal and regulatory compliance a top priority. As transnational trade realizes the