Global Risk Insights

The Week Ahead: 22-28 October

Saudi 2.0. Revolution in Ukraine? Attacks in Afghanistan. Instability in DRC and Togo. All in The Week Ahead. 

Saudi Arabia launches Future Investment Initiative

GRI take:  If efforts to liberalize the Kingdom are executed effectively, investors can stand to gain in the long run by contributing to the Kingdom’s transformation. However, this will require maintaining social stability, balancing conservative and progressive elements, and successfully boosting oil prices. Watch for our 3-part series on the Saudi economy, coming out next week.

Tent city rises again in Kiev

GRI take: It won’t be a revolution this time, and protests are likely to abate this week, but Poroshenko is on thin ice if anti-corruption measures are not delivered quickly. For the longer term, Ukrainians’ willingness to hold their government to account is a positive sign.

Taliban’s new tactics in Afghanistan

GRI take: Trump’s approach has major blind spots and will fail to improve security in the short term, amid a critically deteriorating environment. Although highlighting the importance of economic and diplomatic efforts, the strategy leaves little room for both.

Islamic State surfaces in DRC?

GRI take: The government has successfully crushed unrest in the past and will do so again. But the already high risk of kidnap and violence in the eastern DRC will rise if ISIS jockeys for influence among armed groups – and oil resources are at stake.

Protests in Togo turn violent

GRI take: Social and political tensions in Togo are coming to a head. Protests look set to peak in the coming weeks, with accompanying violence, and a real risk of government instability if proposed term limits are not applied retrospectively to Gnassingbe.

Stay ahead of the news cycle with GRI. Drawing on expert knowledge and local sources, The Week Ahead provides analytical foresight on the consequences of key upcoming political developments.  

This edition of The Week Ahead was produced by GRI Editor in Chief Alisa Lockwood and Managing Editor William Christou.