Tag "wind power"

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Asia Pacific Natural resources and energy

Kayin state struggles expose Myanmar’s energy dilemma

Renewed interest in coal in Myanmar carries broad risks for the government. But while greener energy is desirable, renewables come with their own problems.

Latin America Natural resources and energy

Mexico taps into renewables, with wind power leading the charge

Uncertain natural gas imports from the US are helping promote the rapid expansion of wind power throughout Mexico in the short to medium term.

Asia Pacific Natural resources and energy Under The Radar

Under The Radar: Why China’s energy deregulation overshadows the Aramco IPO

Fighting pollution and overcapacity, China is deregulating its energy sector, opening up one of the country’s last unexploited markets.

Natural resources and energy North America

Congressional spending deal boosts US energy security

Abandoning a crude oil exports ban and introducing tax incentives for wind and solar power as part of a Congressional spending deal could become a powerful tool to strengthen the

Natural resources and energy Sub-Saharan Africa

Lake Turkana: A land of opportunity?

Lake Turkana region in north-west Kenya is attracting significant foreign investment. However, political and security dynamics are sensitive, fragile and complex. Turkana County, an underdeveloped, remote and impoverished part of