Tag "Value chain"

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Finance International

Risk management is at the core of strategy development

Strategy does not just happen. It is the result of a systematic process and risk management is at the core. Strategy is a dynamic process characterized by three distinct stages:

Finance International

Sound risk management creates competitive advantage

Companies can be analyzed in terms of the relative maturity of their risk management practices. This helps us understand how a company uses risk management to create value and develop

Finance International

Companies shouldn’t risk how they manage risk

To quote UCLA Coach John Wooden, “Never mistake activity for achievement.” Integrating risk management into the corporate value chain is a daunting proposition. Policy is not enough. Execution is critical.

Economics International

Corporate risk management still lags behind

The good news is strategic risk management is beginning to gain traction. The bad news is practitioners still think traditionally. A survey released recently by Deloitte and Forbes Insight, celebrates