Tag "transnational organized crime"

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Africa International Security

Africa’s Crime-Terror Nexus: Transnational Organised Crime, Illicit Economic Networks and Violent Extremism in the Sahel

Africa’s Sahel region lies at the epicentre of a sprawling jihadist insurgency straddling the ‘ungoverned spaces’ south of the Sahara. As U.S, French and African forces struggle to contain the violence spreading like wildfire across the Sahelian scrublands, one key dimension of instability which remains overlooked is the role of transnational organised crime and illicit economic networks in fuelling violent extremism across the region.

Asia Pacific Economics

Shared challenges key to Indonesia-Malaysia cooperation

Indonesia and Malaysia’s post-decolonization relations have been consistently afflicted by political disputes and tension, despite their close proximity and similar historical and linguistic features. As the political and economic dynamics

International Security

3 unexpected risks posed by transnational organized crime

As globalization eases the flow of finances, goods, and ideas, political risk expands the opportunities and scope for criminal activity, which can have severe consequences for businesses. Organized crime is