Tag "Syriza"

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Europe Finance

Decisions delayed once again over Greece’s bailout

Greece is in the spotlight as debates regarding its bailout continue. Its fate is in the hands of the IMF, the EU and upcoming elections in Europe.

Europe Politics

Renewed Greek bailout talks imply Europe-wide ramifications

The next review of the Greek bailout agreement will be pivotal for Syriza and the European Union. Participation of the IMF is at risk, and with it the prospect of debt relief for Athens.

Europe Politics

What to expect in Europe in 2016

In addition to the continuation of current crises, Europe will face new matters of contention in 2016. Nationalism and fragmentation within the EU will keep growing, including on the Brexit

Europe Politics

Thessaloniki offers glimmer of hope for Greek reform

Over the last six years of turmoil in Greece a discourse has concentrated on the essentially corrupt nature of the Greek state and the near impossibility of reform. Since 2010, Thessaloniki

Europe Politics

Greece’s new government is stable, and pro-bailout

On September 20th, Greeks voted in the latest general elections that were characterized by big questions on the economy and Europe. The results, though somewhat unexpected, point toward a fairly

International Politics The Week Ahead

Weekly Risk Outlook

FOMC  September rate decision (finally) arrives. Brazil’s Finance Minister allays fears. Bank of Japan issues rates as QE program struggles. Canadians debate as the country enters recession. Greece heads to polls. All in

Europe Politics

Can Syriza pull off a victory in Greece’s snap elections?

After negotiating their latest bailout deal with European creditors, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and his ruling Syriza party face major reelection challenges.  By the end of July, Syriza had retained a comfortable

Europe Politics

Despite bailout outline, creditor divisions renew the risk of a Grexit

Despite a temporary agreement on July 13th between Greece and the Troika, new divisions for a lasting deal amongst creditors present another risk for Grexit. After seven months of uncertainty

Europe Politics

Why is Syriza still leading in Greek polls?

In light of Greece’s reluctant acceptance of the terms of a third bailout, satisfaction with the government’s performance is at an all-time low. So how come Syriza is still leading the

Europe Politics

Third bailout generates new political divison in Greece

After long and difficult negotiations, the SYRIZA-led government managed to reach an agreement with Greece’s creditors on a third bailout program. However, one of the main implications in Greece’s fluid