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International Politics The Week Ahead

Weekly Risk Outlook

ECB speech after signals of new stimulus. Iranian President travels to Europe. Bank of England officials testify. Conferences highlight oil price collapse. Bank of Japan surprise with policy shift. All in the Weekly Risk

Economics International

Implications of the secular stagnation debate

Bernanke and Summers debate about secular stagnation as American and EU monetary policies diverge, testing their hypotheses. Former Chair of the Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke is finally speaking out on

Asia Pacific Economics

Is Japan headed for another recession?

Japan has struggled in recent months, posting economic losses for the second straight quarter, eliciting fears that the country is headed for another recession. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s experiment may prove

Asia Pacific Economics

One year in, is the honeymoon over for Abenomics?

Shinzo Abe celebrated his first year as Japanese Prime Minister in December, which also marked one year with Abenomics. For many, this will be a dismal anniversary, as the latest

Asia Pacific Economics

Will Abe finally lead Japan towards labour reform?

During an interview with the Financial Times last week, the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe warned that labour reforms in Japan might be delayed due to fears of strong opposition

Asia Pacific Economics

IMF urges Japan to address debt and reform economy

Recently, there has even been hope that Japan might move away from its persistent deflation, yet the IMF continues to urge Tokyo to do more. The International Monetary Fund urged