Tag "Snowden"

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Europe Technology and infrastructure

Switzerland’s alpine fortresses spur start-up boom

Switzerland wants to be world’s data bank. To this end, the Swiss are repurposing their nuclear proof mountain forts into ultra-secure data centers. Switzerland has long prospered from its unique

Europe Technology and infrastructure

Tensions rise between US and EU tech companies

Amid a recent resolution by the European Parliament to break up Google, tensions continue to rise between Europe and American tech companies. What does this mean for Google, tech and

Latin America Politics

Ecuador’s Snowden Rhetoric Displays Leftist Solidarity

On 27 June, 2013, Ecuador’s Communications Secretary, Fernando Alvarado, announced the decision to “reversibly” revoke the renewal of the Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act (ATPA), a 1991 trade

International Politics

Snowden in Self-made Passport Limbo

Every once in a while a story arises in the news that requires some theorising to contextualise its importance; Edward Snowden’s story is such an example. Snowden is the (in)famous