Tag "Risk Analysis"

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Insights Under The Radar

South Sudan: Despite new peace deal, stability is a far-cry

South Sudan’s contemporary history suggests that conflict could erupt anytime due to the tense and uptight military balance in the capital. Hence, despite the new peace agreement, the country will not be experiencing stability anytime soon.

Economics Finance

A political risk revolution: Social & regime risk

Geopolitical trends and local incidents push corporate risk managers to adopt modern mitigation measures to respond to political risk.

Economics International

Five reasons SMEs need political risk analysis

One third of EU-based small and medium sized enterprises may benefit from including political risk analysis within their decision making process. Here are five ways how. Small and Medium Sized

Finance International

Companies shouldn’t risk how they manage risk

To quote UCLA Coach John Wooden, “Never mistake activity for achievement.” Integrating risk management into the corporate value chain is a daunting proposition. Policy is not enough. Execution is critical.

Economics International

Corporate risk management still lags behind

The good news is strategic risk management is beginning to gain traction. The bad news is practitioners still think traditionally. A survey released recently by Deloitte and Forbes Insight, celebrates

Finance International

A Secret for Success: Understanding Risk Management

If the state of risk analysis could stand some improvement, what does that say about risk management?  The point is, flawed risk analysis leads to poor risk management: garbage in,

International Politics

Why companies need political risk analysis

Risk analysis is a fundamental, often underestimated, strategic function of business management. Risk analysis should not be an alien concept to anyone with more than an undergraduate education in business.