Tag "Palestine"

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Middle East/North Africa Security

The Sykes-Picot agreement and its lasting implications

In 1916, France and the United Kingdom agreed to a partition of areas of influence in the Middle East. The Sykes-Picot continues to have far reaching implications a hundred years later.

Middle East/North Africa Politics

Five trends that will shape the MENA in 2016

Torn between conflicts and insurgency, the Middle East has witnessed a rise of non-state-actors at the expense of states weakened by a struggling global economy and social changes that exceed

Middle East/North Africa Natural resources and energy

Risks of Climate Change in MENA

Climate change poses grave macroeconomic risks for nations and regional financial firms in MENA. Greater investment in sustainable infrastructure and awareness of climate issues will be imperative to mitigate the

Economics Middle East/North Africa

The deceptive nature of Israel-Turkey relations

Although Israeli-Turkish political ties are fragile at best, the two countries have continued to enjoy increased bilateral trade ties. Within the rarefied circle of international relations, that Turkey and Israel

Middle East/North Africa Security

Israeli-Palestinian tensions threaten regional overspill

As violence surrounding worshipping status at the Temple Mount/Noble Sanctuary grows, what are the chances of a regional conflict escalation and how can we understand the current tensions? The tragic

Middle East/North Africa Politics

Hamas struggles to cope with regional and internal challenges

Hamas is experiencing internal divisions and external threats as the organization struggles to adjust to rapidly shifting geopolitical dynamics in the region. On July 1, Wilayat Sinai, a local affiliate

Middle East/North Africa Politics

Netanyahu’s fragile coalition could leave the Prime Minister powerless

The Israeli Knesset, newly dominated by right wing, religious political parties, could hamper Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s progress on crucial economic and security issues.  The Israeli Knesset approved Benjamin Netanyahu’s

Middle East/North Africa Natural resources and energy

How water is critical to a lasting Middle East peace

While agricultural output in Palestinian territories is a key driver of the domestic economy, uncertainties revolving around water supply and allocations by Israel continue to weaken economic prospects.  With the recent

Middle East/North Africa Politics

Is Israel distancing itself from Western allies?

The Swedish government’s decision to officially recognize the state of Palestine is indicative of growing international unrest towards Israel. Several Israeli government decision have alienated several of Israel’s allies and

Middle East/North Africa Politics

Expect increase in US activity in Middle East

There will be a surge in the United States’ Middle East foreign policy between now and the presidential election in 2016. Expect a greater military role in Syria, improved ties