Tag "Northern Sea Route"

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Europe Natural resources and energy Technology and infrastructure

Challenges of Arctic shipping in Russia: The case of Novatek

In early August Novatek, Russia’s largest independent natural gas producer, launched the second train of Yamal LNG even earlier than planned. Although gas production is ahead of schedule, Novatek’s shipping capacities are lagging behind.

Environment International

The drawbacks of Arctic shipping

The Christophe de Margerie is the first vessel to navigate the Northern Sea Route without an icebreaker escort. This is exciting news for states and businesses interested in exploiting new opportunities in the Arctic. However, the NSR is not as promising at it may seem, and the speed of climate change in the region brings significant risks.   

International Natural resources and energy

China Moves on Arctic Resource Potential

China hopes to utilize its growing economic clout and new Arctic council observer status to push for greater polar influence. This year, the Arctic Council admitted six new nations as

Asia Pacific Natural resources and energy

The Dragon looks North: China’s emerging Arctic policy

The future potential of an Arctic shipping corridor has caught China’s attention, as Beijing increases its involvement in the region. The Mandarin translation for the word ‘crisis’ is ‘危机’ (wei