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Europe Politics

Euroscepticism in the Czech Republic: A Central European disaster waiting to happen, or hot air?

The rise of Euroscepticism in Central Europe has been well documented, particularly in the Czech Republic. Among the nations of the Visegrad Four, anti-EU sentiments have long provided easy fuel for political actors willing to appeal to populist instincts to secure political power. But will this result in a ‘Czexit’?

Europe Politics

The Czech Republic’s fractious politics hold a lesson for Europe

The latest news from the Czech Republic confirms a worrying trend for European politics, as populist and anti-immigration forces unite against perceived injustices and interference from the establishment in Brussels.

Economics Europe

Czech Republic renaming has real economic costs

Recent efforts in the Czech Republic to rebrand the country as Czechia will only cause confusion for businesses, advertisers, and investors alike.

Europe Politics

Czech Republic Prime Minister loses confidence vote

Czech Republic Prime Minister Jiří Rusnok lost a parliamentary vote of confidence on August 7 by a count of 100-93 (with seven members absent). This development raises many questions about