Tag "Lula"

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Latin America Politics

Judge orders Lula’s imprisonment and markets jump

In a historic decision, the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court may have ended almost any chance for Lula to run for President in Brazil’s October presidential election. Two days after the decision and after violating Judge Sergio Moro’s timeline for arrest, Lula turned himself in to the Federal Police. Markets reacted positively to the news, but the court’s decision will divide an already polarized country and lead to even more uncertainty ahead of the Presidential election.

Latin America Politics

GRI Series on Brazil: Elections precede economic reform

In Brazil, economic adjustment will have to come from within the ruling party after the October elections. Complex political coalitions and a shared national social policy agenda have created a

Latin America Politics

GRI Series on Brazil: The presidential race is on

President Dilma Rousseff has remained popular throughout most of her first term. But with her approval ratings in decline, does she risk defeat in the upcoming presidential elections? This is

Economics Latin America

Brazil’s economic downturn provides opportunity for shrewd investors

Brazil’s economy, generally considered one of the safest bets among emerging markets, is on shaky ground. While many investors are fleeing, shrewd investors can take advantage of opportunities at steep discounts.