Tag "economic forecast"

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China Insights

A Dark ‘n’ Stormy Future for Chinese Economic Coercion?

The opening shots in a Taiwanese trade response to Chinese economic coercion appear to be filled with Lithuanian rum. The Taiwanese National Development Council recently posted on Facebook recipes for “dark ‘n’ stormy” cocktails, French toast, and steak, among other items in an effort to promote consumption of the 20,400 bottles of rum diverted to Taiwan. The large shipment was purchased by the country’s state-owned Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor (TTL) company. While Taiwan’s decision does encourage citizens to try fun new cocktails and recipes, it appears to be primarily a strategy to offset risks for friends and partners in international trade.

Finance International

Opinion: It’s High Time to Break the Bailout Doom Loop

Monetary easing and bailout expectations are embedded in post-2008 central banking, often justified on the grounds of systemic stability or public expectations. The truth is that on top of nurturing moral hazard, the Fed put impedes innovation and productive investment. 

Asia Pacific Economics

Forecasting GDP: The fight over China’s GDP figure

Distrusting China’s official numbers but lacking credible alternatives, analysts should give less weight to GDP as an indicator of economic health and newspapers should give less weight to GDP short-term

International Politics The Week Ahead

Weekly Risk Outlook

IMF to forecast weakened growth. Eurozone ministers review Greek bailout progress. Turkish president discusses refugees. Moody’s stages conference in Brazil. U.S. House elects next Speaker following Boehner’s resignation. All in the Weekly Risk Outlook. IMF Releases Economic Forecast,