Tag "Central African Republic"

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Debate Corner International

Will the link between climate change and conflict be recognised?

Although scientists, politicians and academics differ as to whether climate change directly causes armed conflict, humanitarian organisations like the International Committee of the Red Cross and Red Crescent believe the role climate change plays in violent strife can no longer be ignored. Communities have been torn apart by ethnic tensions exacerbated by drought-induced resource scarcity, and if world leaders fail to address the devastating effects of climate change, peacekeeping efforts in unstable territories could suffer.

Africa Politics

Democratic Republic Of The Congo: Seeking Support In The Shadow Of Kabila

The collapse of the coalition between President Tshisekedi and Joseph Kabila threatens to create a void in DRC politics. Whilst international actors have been swift to commend Tshisekedi, his own political fortunes now rely on finding allies amongst the very opposition who question his victory in 2018, all the while fending off Kabila’s still-potent influence. 

Security Sub-Saharan Africa

The Security Briefing: Peace prospects for the Central African Republic

The Central African Republic’s security situation has been deteriorating since 2013. Will an increased United Nations presence and a new election be able to reconcile the deeply divided country?

Politics Sub-Saharan Africa

What to expect in 2016 in Africa

Africa in 2016, in some cases, will be marked by heightened political risks motivated by economic problems, but in other cases, characterized by improved political environments and reduced risks. Predicting

International Politics The Week Ahead

Weekly Risk Outlook

Mercosur leaders meet. U.S. energy policy takes effect. Taiwan Presidential Candidates debate. Central African Republic votes for president. All in the Weekly Risk Outlook. Mercosur Heads of State Meet in Paraguay On Monday, the

International Security

Economics of the AK-47

In this era of modern technology and cutting edge military equipment, the Russian assault rifle remains ubiquitous in today’s war zones. What is the reason behind the AK-47’s continued use and economic impact

Security Sub-Saharan Africa

Violence in Central African Republic hinders development

The Central African Republic (CAR) has endured multiple civil wars spawning many anti-government militias. Elections have been postponed indefinitely, as Bangui descends into ethno-religious violence. CAR’s long-running civil war can

Economics Sub-Saharan Africa

What will Sub-Saharan Africa look like in 2030?

According to the U.S National Security Council, Sub-Saharan Africa’s role within the global community will change dramatically in the mid-term future. A number of opportunities need to be fully embraced by

Security Sub-Saharan Africa

Despite repercussions, Boko Haram threat will persist

Rooted in poor governance, rampant unemployment and transnational links, Boko Haram may pay for its latest senseless act of predation. But its prospects, unfortunately, are bright. Boko Haram is known for

Economics Sub-Saharan Africa

Under-the-radar growth increases in southern Africa

Southern African countries will be rapidly growing emerging markets in the near future. The combination of growing political stability and an expanding middle class of consumers makes the region an