Tag "Argentina"

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International Politics The Week Ahead

Weekly Risk Outlook

Iowa Caucuses open. Argentina to introduce settlement offer. U.S. economy slows. Nations of TPP sign pact. Peace efforts in Syria continue. All in the Weekly Risk Outlook. Iowa Caucuses Open Official 9-Month U.S. Presidential Election Season

International Politics The Week Ahead

Weekly Risk Outlook

Final U.S. data before Fed meeting. Oil reports project low prices in 2016. Argentine President-elect takes office. US Congress votes on spending bill. Koreas to improve relations. All in the Weekly Risk Outlook. Last Tranche

Latin America Politics

South America after Macri’s election

The new Argentinian president has taken steps towards altering continental politics, but he faces challenges from the neighbourhood. Is this a turning point for South America? Mauricio Macri, the newly

Finance Latin America

TPP: What it means for Latin America

Widely hailed as the most important free trade agreement in history, the Trans-Pacific Partnership incorporates 12 countries from the Pacific Rim, accounting for 40% of the world’s GDP and 25%

International Politics The Week Ahead

Weekly Risk Outlook

Argentina holds runoff election. U.S. releases inflation figures. Brazil votes on Rousseff vetoes. Abe and Obama attend ASEAN summit. U.S. Congress approaches funding deadline. All in this Weekly Risk Outlook. Argentina Holds Runoff Election to Select

Latin America Politics

Kirchner’s bonapartist experiment comes to an end in Argentina

Change is gaining momentum over continuity as Kirchner’s party struggles to win reelection in Argentina. Change over continuity is the takeaway from what could be remembered as one of the

International Natural resources and energy

Russia is creating a global nuclear power empire

Russia is moving to create a global nuclear power empire — a bold power play that elicits opportunity and risk far beyond the nuclear reactors themselves. With its ploys in

Finance Latin America

South America joins the global currency war

Amid continued low commodity prices, a slow down in demand from Asian economies, and the Chinese devaluation of the Yuan, South America looks poised to jump into the global currency

Finance International

Where does bitcoin fit in the currency crisis?

At every turn, Bitcoin supporters say their anonymous cryptocurrency is the solution for countries in currency crisis. Despite its other shortcomings, bitcoin has a use in places like Argentina, but

Economics International

Greece crisis poses risks to an already-slow global economic recovery

The situation in Greece is complicated.  Countries all around the world are starting to worry about the possible consequences of the Greeks falling outside of the euro. On the other side