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Asia Pacific Finance

Vietnam increases foreign bank ownership

Vietnam looks to attract more foreign investment to sustain growth trajectories. The government hopes that changing regulations of foreign ownership of its banks will attract more capital. To boost growth

Finance International

Sound risk management creates competitive advantage

Companies can be analyzed in terms of the relative maturity of their risk management practices. This helps us understand how a company uses risk management to create value and develop

Asia Pacific Finance

China expands its OTC market allowing SMEs to raise capital

China’s latest financial regulation has made it easier for small-medium enterprises to list on its over-the-counter market and raise capital. Seven years after the establishment of its over-the-counter (OTC) market,

Finance International

Western and Islamic bank compliance a two-way street

With the Islamic financial sector growing rapidly in recent years, Western banks and their Islamic counterparts must make legal and regulatory compliance a top priority. As transnational trade realizes the

Finance International

Ruble to spread in global market

Russia is facing many economic problems and has seen its currency, the ruble, drop to record-low levels. Nevertheless, policy makers in Russia and abroad may help to strengthen the Ruble’s

Finance North America

The Volcker Rule depends on regulator cooperation

Over three years in the making, a key piece of the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act reaches completion and limits proprietary trading by US banks. Yet,

Europe Finance

Slovenia avoids bailout, but long way to recovery remains

The results of the bank stress test released on 12th December have confirmed that the cost of recapitalization for debt-ridden Slovenian banks is higher than originally expected, but the country

Finance North America

Could Puerto Rico default?

Puerto Rico is about to follow in the footsteps of Detroit, with few options left but declaring bankruptcy. With U.S. retirement funds relying on Puerto Rican bonds in portfolios, the

Asia Pacific Finance

Bitcoin offers free currency movement in China, for now

The digital currency could push China into making tough decisions about liberalizing its financial system. Although Bitcoin is designed to be a decentralized currency that can be used the world

Finance International

Companies shouldn’t risk how they manage risk

To quote UCLA Coach John Wooden, “Never mistake activity for achievement.” Integrating risk management into the corporate value chain is a daunting proposition. Policy is not enough. Execution is critical.