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Europe Technology and infrastructure

Switzerland’s alpine fortresses spur start-up boom

Switzerland wants to be world’s data bank. To this end, the Swiss are repurposing their nuclear proof mountain forts into ultra-secure data centers. Switzerland has long prospered from its unique

Europe Security

Brussels approves France’s revised, post-attack deficit

What are the impacts of France’s security pact announced in the wake of the Paris attacks? Does it mark a readjustment between political imperatives and EU budgetary discipline? France to

Europe Politics

How France’s regional elections will impact its next presidential campaign

Regional elections will have an immediate impact on French politics, as parties begin to prepare for the next presidential campaign. For the Socialist government, the time has come to start

Europe Politics

Ciudadanos will play decisive role in Spanish elections

Upcoming elections in Spain bring two new parties, Ciudadanos and Podemos, into play. Spain will hold a general election on 20 December. Significant support for new parties are a threat to incumbent


The Paris fidayin attacks

Since at least 2007, the probability of a kinetic, multi-phased, small cadre attack against a major Western metropolis has crystallized. The terrorist attacks in Paris — a smacking sequel to the

Europe Politics

Kosovo hampers Serbia’s progress towards the EU

After years in the political wilderness Serbia has started to make incremental progress towards becoming a full member of the EU. The events in Kosovo this month, sparking angry exchanges

Europe Politics

Russia-Turkey tensions rise to fever pitch amid sanctions

Economic sanctions against Turkey will be dearly felt in Ankara, but will also resonate in Moscow. Not only established commercial ties will suffer a blow, but also all outstanding Russia-Turkey

Europe Politics

Anti-corruption Day, December 9th: Insights into Romania

One of the most active countries in terms of anti-corruption right now is Romania, following the recent events that led the Prime Minister to resign following accusations of corruption, money

Europe Natural resources and energy

The state of the European Energy Union

European Commission plan to make Europe’s energy market more integrated and less dependent on Russia will be stuck in intense negotiations in the next few years. Diverging interests between member

Europe Finance

Will EU budget rule-breaking become a norm?

This month the European Commission published its assessments of the draft budgetary plans of Eurozone member states for the year 2016. They have already prompted rebukes from EU member states