Posts From Hans Mathias Moeller

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Security South and Central Asia

Terrorism in Southeast Asia: Singapore in the crosshairs?

Singapore is a potential target for transnational militant groups from neighboring countries, insider threats, and returning foreign fighters to the region.

Europe Politics

Sweden’s far right gaining ground as social problems mounts

Sweden’s immigration policy is honourable but has not come without social problems — which in turn herald a political shakeup.

International Security Technology and infrastructure

Fighting ISIS on social media won’t stop them from using it

Efforts by Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube in 2017 are certainly welcomed, but removing ISIS from social media platforms is expected to be a daunting task.

Economics Finance

Detecting and preventing CEO email fraud

The FBI reports that over $3 billion have been lost due to CEO email frauds in the past three years. What is CEO email fraud, and how can it be prevented?

International Security

Why soft target terrorist attacks will remain a threat

The strategic logic of soft target attacks and what businesses can do to detect and prevent future attacks.

Middle East/North Africa Security

Assessing the impact of Saudi Arabia’s suicide bombings

On July 4th, three suicide attacks occurred across Saudi Arabia. What impact have these attacks had on political risk in the region?

Middle East/North Africa Security

ISIS under pressure in Syria and Iraq – are we any safer?

What do recent territorial setbacks for ISIS mean for security in target nations, and which how can businesses address the risk of terrorist attacks?