Posts From Etienne Desjardins

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Debate Corner Economics

The United Kingdom’s turbulent post-Brexit future

In this debate series, GRI Analyst Etienne Desjardins argues that London will see lose its claim to financial capital of the world in the post-Brexit era..

Europe Finance

Direct lending dawns in Europe

A revolution of the European corporate financing model is underway. As banks retrench and downsize in the face of new regulation and burdened balance sheets, direct lending is emerging as

Europe Finance

Negative interest rates threaten Europe’s financial stability

Negative interest rates erode the profitability of the banking sector and pose a threat to financial stability. In exchange, they offer an economic stimulus that is mild at best and

Europe Finance

The spectre of Brexit haunts London’s financial sector

Brexit could deal a critical blow to London’s financial sector. In the worst-case scenario, the loss of passporting rights could trigger an exodus towards Paris or Frankfurt from which the

Europe Politics

EU deal won’t impact Brexit decision

The UK has obtained some important concessions from the EU ahead – and because – of its Brexit referendum. The deal Cameron brought back from Brussels improves the terms of